When it comes to breaking down barriers between sales and marketing, few professionals tackle the challenge with as much clarity and purpose as Maureen J. Lally. With years of experience guiding global B2B organizations across North America, Europe, and Asia, Maureen has made it her mission to transform team tensions into collaborative triumphs. Known for her no-nonsense approach, she delivers actionable solutions that drive real results. In her latest insights, Maureen shines a spotlight on the hidden costs of disjointed teams and outlines practical, straightforward steps to foster alignment, boost performance and create lasting synergy.
Breaking the Silence on Team Tensions
Here’s a truth that makes executives uncomfortable: most sales and marketing teams barely tolerate each other. Maureen cuts through the corporate speak with some straight talk: “Sales will not be successful working alone, and marketing will not be successful working independently of sales.” It’s the kind of obvious statement that somehow still needs saying in most boardrooms. Working with big B2B companies across North America, Europe, and Asia, Maureen kept running into the same problem. Marketing would cook up strategies in their corner while sales did their own thing in theirs. The result? Money left on the table and frustrated teams pointing fingers at each other. After years of watching companies stumble over the same problems, Maureen boiled it down to three key fixes. No corporate buzzwords, no complicated frameworks – just practical steps that actually work.
Securing Leadership Support
First things first: this isn’t going to work if the higher-ups don’t buy in. “There needs to be agreement at the most senior levels of the organization to ensure cohesion and alignment between sales and marketing teams,” Maureen says. In other words, if the leaders aren’t pushing for sales and marketing to work together, it’s probably not going to happen. This isn’t just about getting a thumbs-up from leadership. The bosses need to actively push for collaboration, knock heads together when necessary, and make it clear that the old way of doing things isn’t going to cut it anymore.
Creating a Joint Strategy
Maureen insists on “joint development between sales and marketing of the strategy and agreement of the metrics and tactical execution of the programs, including the clear definition of roles and responsibilities.” Simply put, teams need to be in the room when plans are being made. No more marketing dropping plans on sales from on high. No more sales ignoring marketing’s input. When both teams help build the strategy, they both own it. And when everyone knows exactly what they’re supposed to be doing, there’s a lot less room for the usual finger-pointing.
Measuring Success and Communicating Results
The final piece? Actually checking if all this work is paying off. As Maureen puts it, “continuous measurement of campaigns, activities and results, and open communication across sales and marketing is absolutely required to both fine-tune and optimize the go-to-market programs.” Numbers don’t lie, and they don’t play office politics. Regular check-ins and honest conversations about what’s working and what isn’t keep both teams honest – and focused on fixing problems instead of assigning blame.
Getting sales and marketing to work together isn’t easy. But Maureen’s seen these principles work across different countries, cultures, and companies. The secret isn’t in fancy technology or complicated strategies – it’s in getting people to actually talk to each other and work together. The companies that get this right don’t just see better numbers – they build stronger teams. When sales and marketing actually work together, everyone wins: the company, the employees, and most importantly, the customers.
To learn more about Maureen Lally and her approach, check out her LinkedIn profile or see her website.